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Starr King TK-8 Library

Our TK-8 library has over 10,000 books. Students may use computers for research, Accelerated Reader testing and curriculum enrichment.

Students visit the library once a week at assigned times.  Students are introduced to different authors and genre.  They learn how libraries are organized, how to find books and then locate them on the shelves. Students understand their responsibility of taking care of library books and returning them on time.

Accelerated Reader - Starr King uses Accelerated Reader Enterprise Program.  Accelerated Reader helps motivate students to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.  Students are tested to determine their reading level and then are encouraged to read books in their recommended range.  After they complete a book they take a test on the computer.  This gives students and teachers immediate information on how successful the student was and monitors student's growth.

We have access to every quiz currently available.  This list is updated monthly.  Please visit the link below to search titles and authors and books in reading ranges.

Accelerated Reader Quiz Search

Last Modified on July 12, 2022